Saturday, June 29, 2024

What A Strange And Unnatural Thing To Say.

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Shin Kamen Rider: Prologue.

Sam's literally got naked pictures on the town's Monopoly money currency, so how is this shocking?

Or does that even exist anymore? Redneckistan exists in such a bizarre state these days, along with everything else.


  1. Once again, I was reading and rereading this thing a whole bunch of times because I couldn't make any sense of who was speaking, or who was talking to who. Whatever magic powers the Peanut Gallery collectively possesses so that Muir's incompetent staging doesn't confuse them, I'll never know.

    Also...."Thank you, Jake Tapper" for what? For...making Biden look dumbstruck? Is that what I'm supposed to get from that statement? That Jake Tapper's performance as a moderator is what made Biden look so out of it?
    Either I'm getting progressively denser or Muir's writing is getting progressively more oblique and insular to the point of sometimes not making any real-world sense even on its own terms.

    1. I guess that's supposed to be a joke about Mia noting the obvious, but yeah, a clumsy line and a badly blocked strip.
