Tuesday, June 4, 2024

They Sure Are Owning The Libs.

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Ultraman Mebius.

It's the layers of idiocy that get you in this one, to the thought that Redneckistan can do this with impunity, to the regular confirmation of Muir's idiot conspiracies by the baddies, and to the fact that this is all these people can do, go to the media, instead of multiple levels of law enforcement. But then it hits you--whiny ineffectual losers who can only bitch about their wrongs to sympathetic media?

That's Muir and his ilk. The projection, as usual is total. Though in this case, I do think this is how Muir and his audience think this is how things are supposed to be done. They just see the ways non-Rightists do it as inferior, involving decadent and wicked sources who are wrongly elevated above their Right Wing counterparts. What makes these people funny is they have to go to those idiots at the New York Times. Who don't deserve the respect they get, and are stealing it from crazy online guys.


  1. I see that the annual fundraising drive is back, but now with the theme of "civil war." Lovely.

    1. Yeah, they're getting worse.

      As is Muir's handling of the whole thing. If it isn't clear, I had to re-edit this entry because (as I noted in the entry) Wednesday's cartoon is somehow counted as published on Tuesday.
